The Memory Tree would like to thank the following people and organizations for providing financial support for our work.

Harry & Mary, Bradford logo
2025 DONORS:

Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Harry & Mary Foundation

Prof & Mrs R.H. Anderson
Mr & Mrs A. Thorlby
Mrs E. Wontner-Smith

2024 DONORS:

Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Bradford South Area Office, Community Chest
The Harry & Mary Foundation
Faith in Elderly People (Leeds)
Age Sentinel Trust
“Bradford Soup” (Rotary Club of Bradford)
Idle Baptist Church
Saltaire Methodist Wives Group
Rotary Club of Bingley Airedale
Rotary Club of Shipley
Dementia Friendly Baildon
The Connaught Ladies’ Luncheon Club

The friends & family of Mrs Eva Gill
The friends & family of Mrs Maureen Rhodes
The friends & family of Mrs Eileen Blowes
The friends & family of Mr Terry Dyson
The friends & family of Mrs Valerie Robinson
The friends & family of Mr Michael Heaton
The friends & family of Mrs Margaret Bradbury
The friends & family of Mrs Janet Gudgeon
Gifts in memory of Mrs Joyce Percy 

Prof. & Mrs R.H. Anderson
Mrs E. Wontner-Smith
Mrs Elizabeth Hinchliffe
Mrs Julie Rowley
Mr Paul Williams
Mrs Anne Walmsley & family
Mr & Mrs A. Thorlby
Mrs Ruth Wood
Mrs Chris Howarth
Mrs Wendy Storey

2023 DONORS:

Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Harry & Mary Foundation
BMDC Bradford South Area Office, Covid Recovery Support Grant
Age Sentinel Trust
Prof R.H. & Mrs C. Anderson

Mr Q. Fowler
Mr A. & Mrs M. Thorlby
Mrs J. Tiffany
Mrs E. Wontner-Smith
Mrs Carol Rushfirth, in memory of Mr Peter Rushfirth
Dementia Friendly Baildon
Mrs Margaret Ive, in memory of Mr Michael Ive
Jane Bridges
Mrs Elizabeth Hinchliffe, in memory of Mr George Hinchliffe
Rona and Stephen Windle
Dr Louise McDowall
Lisa Lester, in memory of Mrs Patricia Gamble
Mrs Joyce Emmott, in memory of Mr David Emmott
The friends & family of Mr Peter Bebb
The friends & family of Mrs Dorothy Thistlewood
The Parkinson family, in memory of Emily
The friends & family of Mrs Gail Williams
The Hall family, in memory of Mrs Joyce Hall
Anne & Rachel Walmsley
Idle Baptist Church
Friends and family of Mrs Hilary Hodges for gifts to celebrate her 80th birthday
The friends and family of Mr Stephen Windle
The friends and family of Bob Hutton for gifts to celebrate his 70th birthday
The friends and family of Mr Paul Howarth
Mrs Eve Hutton

2022 DONORS:

Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Hannah Catania
Mrs Julia Crowe
Hepworth & Idle Ladies Rounders Team “Red Kites”
BMDC Bradford East Area Coordinators Office
BMDC Bradford South Area Coordinators Office
Prof R. & Mrs C. Anderson
Mr Q. Fowler
Mr A. & Mrs M. Thorlby
Mrs J. Tiffany
Mrs E. Wontner-Smith
The friends & family of Mr Terry Costigan
Donations in memory of Mr Ted Haworth
Donations to celebrate the birthday of Mrs Anne Barraclough
The friends and family of Mr David Topham
Idle Baptist Church
Mrs Ruth Baldwin, birthday gifts in memory of Mr David Topham
Rotary Club of Idle and Greengates
The friends and family of Mr Tony Oates
The friends and family of Mr Kenneth Haigh
Councillor Sarah Ferriby
Mr & Mrs S Gilliver

Bradford Metropolitan District Council
The Bradford Players

Magic Little Grants (LocalGiving)

The People’s Postcode Lottery

Neighbourhood Trust
Prof. R. and Mrs. C. Anderson

Mr. A. and Mrs. M. Thorlby
Mr. Q. Fowler
Mrs. J. Tiffany
Mrs. E. Wontner-Smith
Friends and Family of Mrs Audrey Gosling
The Friends & Family of Mrs. Valerie Senior
The Friends & Family of Mrs. Elsie Atha
In memory of Maureen Morrell
The Friends & Family of Mr David Atherton
The Friends & Family of Mr Shaun Nicholson
In memory of Molly
In memory of Mr Peter Shaw
Rachel King
The Friends & Family of Mrs Patricia Gamble
Mrs Ruth Wood & Family, in memory of Tony
Mrs Jane Shaw, in memory of Peter
Sovereign Health Care Community Fund
Locala Community Fund
Lower Wyke Moravian Church

Mr. R. Haydock

Mrs. C. Robinson
Ms. J. Kauser

Mrs. E. Hutton

Mrs. D. Hannan

Mr. B. & Mrs. P. Gamble
Ms. V. Young

Mr. R. Binns

The Friends & Family of Mr. Denis Speak

The Friends & Family of Mr. Derek Thistlewood

The Friends & Family of Mr. James Healy

The Friends & Family of Mrs. Marie Simmonite


Thank you to Rachel Duffy for the donation of £500 raised at her annual coffee and cake morning held in memory of her mother Mrs Doreen McDermott.

Thank you to Maria, nail technician at Millionaires on Wrose Road, for the donation of £50.00 in lieu of a present for Val Bather’s 80th birthday.

Thank you to Thackley Methodist Church for the donations of £60.00 given at their workshop on Christian Mindfulness and Meditatiion on 26 0ctober.

Thank you to members of Idle Bowling Club who presented us with a cheque for £150.00 to mark the end of their 2019 season at their Annual Presentation Evening.

Thank you to the customers of The Royal Oak Inn in Eccleshill for the donation of £20.60.

Thank you to the members of St John the Evangelist church in Cullingworth for the donation of £100.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mrs Isabelle (Susan) Kennedy (of The Memory Tree @ Low Moor) for the gifts of £220 given in her memory.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mr Arthur Waite (of The Memory Tree @ Low Moor) for the gifts of £200 given in his memory.

Thank you to the friends and family of Geoff and Mary Twentyman for the gifts of £1,000 given in celebration of their golden wedding.

Thank you to the Allen Lane Foundation for the grant of £2,000.

Thank you to Bradford VCS (Idle and Thackley area) for the grant of £660 to help us with further outings & events.

Thank you to Olga Todd and Irene Binns for their kind gift of £25 to support The Memory Tree @ Idle.

Thank you to Paul, Amanda and Alfie Taylor and their friends who completed the 3 Peaks Challenge on 11 May 2019, raising £1,535 to support The Memory Tree @ Idle.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mr Peter Storr (of The Memory Tree @ Low Moor) for the gifts of £269 given in his memory.

Thank you to Mrs Mary Simpson (of The Memory Tree @ Low Moor) for her gift of £50.00 in memory of her husband Mr Ronald Simpson.

Thank you to the Liz and Terry Bramall Foundation for the grant of £5,000.

Thank you to Mrs Christine Robinson (of The Memory Tree @ Keighley) for her gift of £50.00 given in memory of her husband, Mr John Robinson.

Thank you to Buttershaw St Paul’s Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society for the donation of £250.00.

Thank you to Mrs Julia Crowe (daughter of Memory Tree @ Low Moor members Linda and Brian Harrison) for the donation of £230.00 raised at her coffee morning.

Thank you to Mrs Sandra Kelly and Mrs Barbara Wood (of The Memory Tree @ Kieghley) for their gift of £25.00 on the occasion of Elizabeth’s marriage.

Thank you to the Bradford VCS Alliance for the ABCD Community Partnership grants awarded as follows (£500 for Shipley; £1,000 for Idle and £1,000 for Low Moor).


Thank you to the friends and family of Mrs Gwen Southern (of The Memory Tree @ Idle) for the gifts of £337.00 given in her memory.

Thank you to Mrs Samantha McDaid (of The Memory Tree @ Low Moor) for her Christmas gift of £20.00.

Thank you to Christ Church Lothersdale for the donation of £108.00 raised from their “Big City Swing Band” Christmas concert event.

Thank you to Mr and Mrs Philip Sharp and their friends and family for the donation of £400 given in celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary.

Thank you to the Idle Co-op for their donation of £250.00.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mr Robert Bannister (of The Memory Tree @ Idle) for the gifts of £325.00 given in his memory.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mr Derek Wyness (of The Memory Tree @ Idle) for the gifts of £500.00 given in his memory.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mr Peter Dunkin (of The Memory Tree @ Idle) for the gifts of £60 given in his memory.

Thank you to Taking Stock Productions for the donations of £260 received at the performance of The Last Memory, a play based on the life of Mr Edwin Harrison which explores the themes of love, loss and dementia, at the Idle Working Men’s Club on 14 October 2018.

Thank you to the friends and family of Mrs Rachel Duffy who attended her coffee and cake morning in memory of her mother, Mrs Doreen McDermott, raising £611 to support The Memory Tree @ Idle.

Main funders 2019/20


In developing The Memory Tree we have also received support from:

Local Supporters

The Memory Tree at Idle


The Memory Tree at Shipley


The Memory Tree at Keighley

The Memory Tree at Low Moor

The Memory Tree at Burley in Wharfedale