Please check here regularly for our latest news and event information.

Thank you everyone for your support at our Christmas fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who came along to support us at our Christmas fundraiser on Monday 2nd December. We welcomed 63 guests, had a very enjoyable afternoon and raised over £650 for Memory Tree funds. Thank you also to former members who could not attend but made generous donations, the volunteer team who worked hard with good cheer to make everything run smoothly, Kathie Ryan for the wonderful music and to those who donated gifts for the Christmas Shopping and Lucky Dip stalls. We are looking forward to continuing our meetings for people with dementia and their carers in 2025 and wish all our friends and supporters a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Afternoon tea event a huge success
Thank you very much to everyone who came along to support us at our afternoon tea event on Saturday 17th August. We welcomed 55 guests, enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea together and raised over £580 for The Memory Tree. Thank you to Bradford South Area Office (BMDC) for the Community Chest Grant of £350 to help with costs. As ever, an especially big thank you to all our volunteers and everyone who donated items for the Lucky Dip, Raffle and Gifts & Homewares stall. The musical entertainment from Christopher and the Robins was excellent.

A warm welcome to Susan
We invited Susan Collins, who has been running Memory Tree @ Burley-in-Wharfedale with the Burley Dementia Action Group (BDAG) since 2017, to join the Board of Directors last year and were delighted that Susan accepted the position. Memory Tree @ Burley-in-Wharfedale has thrived under Susan’s leadership and we are looking forward to working more closely with Susan as we share ideas for activities, improve our policies and fine-tune other aspects of running the ‘Time Together – Time Apart’ format that characterizes Memory Tree meetings.

Plenty of Christmas Spirit at the Christmas Cafe Fundraiser
We were pleased to welcome over 60 guests to our Christmas Cafe fundraiser on 4th December, 2023 who enjoyed a great afternoon of music and Christmas fayre.
Thank you to Andy Wiseman for the excellent entertainment, to Rachel Shimbles for providing hand massages, Equality Together for their information and Christmas 'goody bags', and to Pat & Alan Wagstaff, Katie Boyce, Jennifer Turner, Sharon Haigh and Ann Stoodley for volunteering their time and talents to help run the event.
We are also grateful to the many people who donated items for the 'Christmas Shopping' and 'Lucky Dip' stalls.
The total raised for Memory Tree funds was over £500 so a wonderful result from a busy and enjoyable afternoon full of Christmas spirit.

The Harry & Mary Foundation
We would like to say a sincere thank you to The Harry & Mary Foundation who have been helping us financially since 2020 and have now given us another grant of £5,000 to help us in the coming financial year which started on 1 November. The Harry & Mary Foundation was founded in 2010 with the objectives of helping young people under the age of 25, as well as the promtion of good health in the wider population. It is restricted to supporting organizations in West Yorkshire, particularly the City of Bradford Metropolitan District. Local engagement and action is a key value of The Memory Tree so we are grateful for this grant that will help us to continue to offer friendship and support people with dementia and their carers living in the Bradford District.
Afternoon Tea a huge success
Many thanks to everyone who supported our recent afternoon tea event at Aldersgate Methodist Church in Low Moor on Saturday 19th August. It was a wonderful afternoon with nearly 70 guests and, alongside having lots of fun, the event raised over £500 to support our work. Special thanks to Tony Pistachio for the music, to everyone who donated items for the Lucky Dip and Gifts & Homewares stalls and to our amazing volunteers who made the whole thing possible.

Join us for Afternoon Tea
We will be holding our annual afternoon tea at Aldersgate Methodist Church on Saturday 19th August from 2 pm to 4.15 pm.
Tony Pistachio will be joining us to provide musical entertainment and there will be a raffle and stalls.
Entry is £5.
Pay on the day but please book in advance by contacting Elizabeth on 01274 583374 or 07766 220725 or
Full address for the venue is Aldersgate Methodist Church, Common Rd, Low Moor, Bradford BD12 0TW
There is a car park which is accessed from Netherlands Avenue

Happy Easter from The Memory Tree!
Here are some picture of our spring time activities.
We would like to thank the many people who have made donations in memory of loved ones over the course of the winter months. Full details can be found on the 'Our Funders' page.
Over the winter we applied to Bradford Council's Local Community Support programme and been awarded grant funding until 31st March 2025 to continue our Memory Clubs.
This grant covers approximately half of our running costs so we would also like to thank the Harry & Mary Foundation, Age Sentinel Trust and the Bradford South Area Co-ordinations Office who have given us additional grants to support our work, the people who donate regularly at our meetings and others who support us with either financial gifts or other services, particularly Truhar Accountancy in Cross Hills and Chris Thorpe who created and helps us run this website.

Thank you to everyone who turned out to support our "Christmas is Coming Cafe" at Idle Baptist Church on 5th December.
We enjoyed great musical entertainment with Tony Pistachio and were glad to meet up with so many friends as well as welcoming people from the local community.
Total takings were £555, leaving £354 after costs so great fundraising as well as a great afternoon.
Happy Christmas everyone!
Thank you to Dementia Friendly Baildon who visited Memory Tree @ Shipley on 23rd November to donate £100 from the Wild and Woolly walk held in High Cliffe Gardens in Baildon in September.
It was lovely to welcome Shirley Weaver (third from left) and Carol Sadowyj (fourth from right) pictured here with Bob and some of our volunteers and members.